Monday, December 26, 2016

Gift I have received

Okay so let me just give you a little background on my story! So every year for Christmas, I go to my grandma's house and we play a game called "$5 gift game", I know the name is pretty awesome. Anyway it's where everyone gets a $5 gift of course and no one knows what it is! Then we line them up on the tables, a cup with die is in it and you roll and pass. If you roll the die and get doubles, you get to pick a gift. So eventually I got doubles and I had my eye on this one gift. My aunt told me I would love it. I held on to it throughout the whole game and no one stole from me (By the way, once all the gifts are taken, you can steal from people). Now the moment came where I was opening my present. I pull out this box with Justin Bieber on it and it ended up being a toothbrush that sings 2 Justin Bieber songs for the amount of time you should be brushing your teeth! I started opening it as I was laughing very hard and I listened to the songs and I knew them! So I walked around just casually holding a toothbrush by my ear and singing. Like it was a normal thing to do in my family! I can't really say if this was a good gift or bad. I did enjoy it but...... THANK YOU TO MY AUNT :!

1 comment:

  1. I used love Justin Bieber to! I got many gifts about him as well!
