Sunday, May 14, 2017

My graduation speech

" If I could say a few words, I could be a better public speaker."- The Simpsons ( this is for you, Mr. Carro)

We all remember the quote from Forrest Gump:  "Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." When I look back at my years at Hynes and Golf, I see all these chocolates in a box that I have yet to discover. At the start of the year, I was anxious and didn't know what to expect.  But when I look at the box, I don't realize how many good and bad chocolates there are until it is time for each one. Each chocolate represents the memories and adventures we have had. All the good and bad memories have been lessons for each and every one of us. All the tests, homework, studying, and stress have pushed up to our limits but look. We are here now. 
Now I am ready for a new box of chocolates. High school is going to be huge for some of us and it's exciting. But looking back at the memories we all had here together, it's sad to leave. We all have our inside jokes with teachers and/or friends. The teachers have pushed us to do our hardest and I personally thank every one of the teachers for making all of us stronger and putting all efforts forth. The memories....well the memories are a big part of us. You will never know what each box will bring you. We could be talking to friends and then the next thing you'll know, we are saying "remember at the start of the year when this happened". I don't think I realized how much these memories matter. After Golf, some of us may be going our separate ways. Some of us might be staying together. Even though we all are doing something different, we all will be together with these crazy memories. And when I say crazy, I mean CRAZY. But good luck to everyone no matter if we are going to be together or not. Now I have mentioned chocolates a lot, no I am not hungry, it is just something that resembles our adventures here at Golf. Once again, good luck to the class of 2017 and I hope you enjoy your new box of chocolates. 
enjoy the flavor?
some you want to spit out

Monday, May 8, 2017

My goals for the end of the year

I don't have many goals for the end of the year because life goes how it goes. I am super worried about the finals. All I am afraid of is if I do bad, then it will effect my grade badly. But I really want to enjoy this summer because otherwise it will go by so fast and you will start high school. I hope I meet new people during the summer so I will go into high school with more friends, or a acquaintances.
                I hope after Golf, I can relax a little bit. I want to just relax and then I will be a happy camper ahahah.

Letter to my 5th grade self

HMMMM, this is supposed to be about advice. So that is what I am going to do. If I could give myself advice when I was younger, I would say that be careful who you tell things to. If the wrong things get out to the wrong people, then something bad will happen/might already have happened. I would say to start good study habits now so you are just used to studying so long for these tests, especially in 8th grade. I would tell myself to never be someone else you are't. Just in general ( I may have been someone else or maybe not) always stay true to who you are. Don't change for anyone else. You don't need to change for someone to like you. Also myself should know that I don't need to wear headbands every single day, like I did in 5th grade. I also need to convince my mom to get myself contacts ASAP. Always help out with family; this is just a PSA to everyone. Family is the one of the most important/is the most important thing in your life. They will always be there for you.