Monday, March 13, 2017

Hmm... Best Field Trip

Let's see, I don't remember a lot of field trips. I think I have short term and long term memory loss. Anyway I think my favorite field trip was when we were in Springfield. We had to be up super early, I think we had to be at school s o'clock in the morning. Let me just tell you I was so tired and I have never woken up that early before inn my lie so that is hopefully on in a lifetime experience! Anyway we had these coach buses and we brought all this food and things to do on the long car ride. I personally brought movies for the whole coach bus to watch on out individual TV's. Anyway everyone pretty much brought their headphones to listen to music. But our driver was so nice, she kept blasting throughout the whole day and she was just so much fun. Going to the places like the memorial and etc were fun too but the most fun part was the driving! I know, usually this is the most boring part but in this case it was not! Plus the bus had wifi so EVEN BETTER!!      


  1. I'm glad that Springfield was a trip you remembered. Thanks!

  2. That sounds like fun! Do you remember your field trip to the Shedd Aquarium?

    1. I do remember that field trip! I don't remember much of it but I do recall some things!

  3. I agree Kylie Springfeild was one of my favorite trips as well.
